Friday 15 April 2022

Three Tips to Plan a Successful Virtual Investor Day Event

 Investor Day is perhaps the most important day for companies to present their strategy, outline short-term and long-term goals, and showcase the resilience of their management teams. On this day, a company holds a public meeting where presentations by the CEO and other VIPs are delivered in front of a live audience (that primarily consists of investors) and updates the public on the health and direction of the company.

As the world is quickly moving towards virtual formats, it is becoming a necessity for investor relations officers (IROs) to master the art of virtual investor day planning. While considering investors relations beratung will greatly help you, the following tips will help you plan a successful virtual investor day.


1.     Focus on following the fundamental rules

The fundamental rules that play a big role in executing the investor day planning smoothly include:

·        Understanding what investors want to know about your company and what will entice them to invest in your company

·        Drafting three to four key messages that you want to deliver to your potential investors

·        Delivering a well-researched and professional designed presentation that not only looks appealing but also makes it simpler for you to explain things and keeps the audience engaged

·        Providing an outlook that gives an insight into the company’s financial potential in the upcoming years

All these rules apply to both virtual and non-virtual investor day planning.


2.     Identify all those things that lead to distractions

Since you are preparing for the virtual investor day event, you must know that distractions are the biggest problem that you need to deal with. It is easier for investors to feel distracted or bored during a virtual meeting. So, it is important to ensure that your public meeting on investor day is an engaging one. You need to spice up the meeting the whole time so that investors don’t lose interest in what you want them to listen to. 

·        For that, you can cut down the time limit of your public meeting. Instead of conducting a four to five-hour meeting, try to keep your virtual event for about two hours.

·        Encourage everyone to keep their webcam on so that everybody can see other participants and be more willing to engage in the event.

·        Create a short and compelling presentation that directly discusses the core of issues investors want to know about.

·        Make your meeting more interesting by adding customer testimonials, product demos, or advanced screenings of new promotional videos

·        Incorporate fireside chats and panel discussions with industry leaders within your organization that will help solidify your company’s position further in the market.


3.     Plan your virtual investor day event well

To ensure that your virtual investor day event goes as smooth and amazing as possible, you will need to manage the digital logistics, such as finding the right technology partner, planning the recording, and handling the Q&A session. So, you need to figure out the requirements of your webcast’s platform, the relevant limitations, video-based speaker presentations, integration of pre-recorded content, streaming product or demo videos, hosting the live Q&A session, and more.

Lastly, you should practice a lot to get accustomed to the tools and platforms that you will be using for the virtual event and keep in mind other aspects such as your gestures, tone of your voice, and eye contact. 

Do you need more help to plan your virtual investor day event in a way that investors don’t forget about easily? If yes, think about seeking help from an investor relations beratung firm.

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